Writing on a meticulous topic in a particular way is known as “Writing prompts”. In schools, colleges, universities & other institutions staff emphasize how to create the best writing prompts. The trend of writing prompts or creative writing prompts is increasing day by day because of the domination of the online world. The online world of blogging/websites polishes the skills of a writer and many writers came up to present their skills.
Many institutions start specific courses related to writing prompts because these days it’s considered among the refined teaching tools in which a teacher educate a student about writing clear response via this technique. To assess the skills of a student, management asked them to write creative writing prompts so that they can judge the credibility of a student for giving admissions or scholarships.
If you want to make some position in the world of writing then you should learn the techniques of writing prompts because it is the first step toward success.
If you are good at writing then it does not mean that you are good at writing prompts. In this sector, your analyzing skills also matter because without understanding the demand of question you can’t write a response and convincing writing prompts. Make practice on several numbers of prompts so that you can polish your analyzing skills.
The next possible question which will hit your mind would be:
The next possible question which will hit your mind would be:
How to analyze the requirement of writing prompts?
This is one of the most important phases while writing prompts because without analyzing the requirement you can’t create a prompt efficiently. Before start writing, first of all, you need to read the question carefully and asked several questions themselves which are:
1. The person for whom you are writing prompts what format he is looking for?
2. What is the main reason for giving this topic to you? Try to target the answer for which he is looking.
3. Ask yourself what information you should insert in this piece of prompt?
4. Always think several times about the audience
5. Ask yourself what kind of supporting paragraph you should add to support or make your argument stronger?
After completing the assessment phase for writing prompts you can jump over for creative writing prompts. Always remember one thing; make your writing like a story. It means always supporting your previous sentence with a new sentence. If you are good in the pre-writing phase then you must achieve your target in writing quality and highly responsive prompt without any doubt.
We would like to ask a question from you here! Do you know how many types of Writing Prompts?
Think, Think, Think! Your answer could be negative.
To write creative writing prompts, first you should understand the types of writing prompts.
Types of Prompts:
1. Narrative: In this type of prompt, a person writes a personal experience. It is also known as creative writing prompts. In this zone autobiographies, events, short stories and other prompts cover.
2. Persuasive: This is the common way of writing prompts because it is based on the judgment of the author. In persuasive writing, an author tries to encourage a reader from his writing tone, argument supports, and other necessary things.
To prove your credibility in the sector of writing you must understand the types of it. It is considered as the base of creative writing prompts.
To prove your credibility in the sector of writing you must understand the types of it. It is considered as the base of creative writing prompts.
Now, we are going to reveal some basic and effective tips so that you can make your prompts strong and impressive.
Key Point to Consider While Writing a prompts:
1. Find the main keyword for which you are going to write.
2. Analyze why the reader ask you to write this topic? Try to understand his viewpoint so that you can convince him with your prompts.
3. Search 2 to 3 sentences that could be the essence of your article & could impress a reader easily.
4. The introduction is an essential element for every prompt. So, prepare an attractive and informative intro so that it could gain the attention of a reader from the beginning.
5. Always make your paragraph shorter because a long paragraph loses the attention/interest of a reader. It is best to convey your idea under 3 paragraphs because it is the ideal and optimum number of words for the prompts.
6. In the last of prompts always add your conclusion because the reader wants to read the opinion of the author and it will support your writing.
7. In a narrative prompt: Always write a first-person story. If something happens with your friend or family member then after giving an intro turn the story toward them so that you can write a first-person story.
8. In persuasive prompts: Reader impressed with the strong supportive argument. While writing persuasive prompts always collect some reliable and strong argument supports before starting writing. Make a prompt in that way; you are talking to the reader via an article.
These are some basic but effective tips that work all the time. If you seriously want to do something in the field of writing then start thinking like a reader.
Example # 1:
Let me show you an example so that you can understand it from a clear perspective.
A. Wife’s Denial (Story Topic)
Reader’s Requirement: You play the role of a drunken husband who get violent when she was on a dinner with her wife.
Author: After a long time I decided to take out my wife for dinner because for a long time she was complaining that I do not give her proper time. On that day, I called my wife from the office to get ready for dinner till 8 P.M but suddenly my boss called me and instructs me to get things ready for an urgent meeting with an international client. The meeting went excellent and the client awarded us the contract, to celebrate little I drunk with my office staff. After a while I recognize that my wife is waiting for me because we have to go for dinner, I pack up all things and rushed to my home and found my wife in a bad mood. After a little chit chat, we went for dinner but the behaviour of my wife starts irritating me because she starts ignoring me even after listening to my excuse.
After spending half an hour in a restaurant, I start drinking alcohol rather than eating food because the mood of my wife starts bothering me but she does not want to understand my feeling. When my wife noticed this behaviour of mine she walks away from the restaurant rather than come to me. After that, I walk to her and asked her to come back for dinner because I believe that to make a relationship successful one should always compromise, but the situation becomes worse and my wife pushes me rather than listen to my excuse for being late. I was drunk and unable to think wisely, this behaviour of my wife hurts me and I caught her from his hair. Suddenly, I realize what am I doing? And I asked pardon but she was in a bad mood and this behaviour of mine raise the level of angriness in her.
Still, my wife's behaviour is weird and she does not want to talk with me. I want to conclude that the situation was not that serious and could be compromised.
While summarizing a long story short; creative writing prompts is an art and this art is a gift from God to special people. To polish your hidden talent/skills, you must need continuous practice. There are lots of platforms available from where you can learn professional writing skills.
A good writer always takes inspiration from somewhere so does not hesitate in reading several articles just to write one piece. You can read several kinds of prompts available on the internet which allows you to access those prompts free of cost.
A good fiction writer is good at creative writing prompts because he creates a story by himself.
Writing is a very vast field and this is growing day by day due to incoming opportunities. Do your best in prompt writing because it might take you to the level of success.
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